Snowy Makhudu
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Makhudu is a Board member of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) and serves in the Professional Conduct Committee, Audit, Risk and Finance Committees. She is also a Public Relations Communications and Quality Assurance Board member.
She is an International Board member of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), serving as Advocacy and Leadership Communications member and as IAP2 Southern Africa Exofficio Board member. She is also an international member of the International Association for Impact Assessors South African Chapter (IAIASA).
Ms. Makhudu has served as a Board member for PikitUp until February 2023 and as the Board Chairperson of Hand in Hand Southern Africa for 9 years.
Ms. Makhudu is an Atmospheric Scientist (Climatology and Meteorology). She has been in the environmental sector for over 28 years and in environmental consultancy for more than 15 years. She has worked with communities in a consulting capacity as a Project Director/Advisor, including management of consultants' contracts & Service Level Agreements. Snowy previously worked for CSIR and was involved in Katse Dam EIA and Thesen Island in Knysna.