National Lotteries Commission

Project discription
This was a 3 year project funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust fund- Miscellaneous fund. Project started in 2013 and ran until 2015.
Scope of work
The project was implemented in 3 provinces of North West, Kwazulu-Natal, and Limpopo with an overall target of supporting 10000 existing and new entrepreneurs across different sectors. The methodology involved mobilization of SHGs, Training, and Enterprise Development, Facilitating access to finance and markets and mentor-ship support.
The project managed to reach over 10 000 entrepreneurs. The following enterprises (individual and cooperative) were reached; North West(237), Kwazulu Natal(391) and Limpopo (584) and the following SHGs were formed and supported; North West (161), Kwazulu-Natal(87) and Limpopo(130)