Majaliwa George

Majaliwa George is a 36 year-old refugee residing in the Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa. He fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) mid-year of 2007, fearing for his life due to political instability. Unfortunately for Majaliwa, he lost his father due to the the politically related conflicts in the DRC and was quoted saying "The picture of my dead father still lingers in my mind. I had to run for my life". It was then that he decided to flee the country with a hope to secure his life. Majaliwa started his new life in 2007 in Isipingo. He got married and was blessed with two children and with one currently on the way. He got a part-time job as a quantity surveyor in 2015. This was short-lived when the gruesome xenophobic attacks made waves on the shores of Durban in April 2015.

He spent four days without attending work due to the fear of being attacked and as a result he lost his job. In May 2015, the police in Durban rescued him and his family and were taken to the "Shelter for the Displaced" in Chatsworth. In June 2015 shortly after the attacks had ceased, the government together with the UNHCR advised Majaliwa and others affected to head back into the communities.Despite the number of challenges that Majaliwa faced along the years post the 2015 xenophobic violence, he relentlessly sought for a better life for his family. It was in February 2018 when Majaliwa met Hand in Hand. He finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel for himself and his family. The opportunity that Hand in Hand presented was one that he believes will change his life.

He got trained on employability and life skills modules by Philisiwe Banda (one of the business advisors in Durban). He was given a bursary to study at Paddy's Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Training Centre in June 2018. This was a 7-week course on theoretical and practical work of refrigeration. Majaliwa has completed his course and has started with his three-month unpaid in-service training at Airetronic ending in September 2018. We are delighted as Hand in Hand to have helped him right at a point of need. It is in such testimonials that we are happy to have impacted one's life to a point where they can be self-reliant. We wish him well in his future endeavors.