Jobs Fund
Value: R22.2 Million
Location: LP,KZN,NW,MP
Impact: 6258 entrepreneurs
Period: 2013-2016
Hand in Hand Southern Africa started implementing the Job Creation Through Enterprise Development" which is a partnership project between Hand in Hand Southern Africa and DBSA (Jobs Fund) in 2013. The current HiH SA enterprise development model is premised on the need to create sustainable income generating activities, through addressing four major challenges facing many small-scale enterprises. These include access to resources, markets, skills, and equipment. Our model views poverty alleviation from a progressive perspective involving a series of successive stages commencing with, family-based enterprises maturing to micro-enterprises, before graduating to the small-medium enterprise stages.
Critical to our model is the realisation that enterprises at different stages of growth require different levels of support and therefore resources
The project supported the creation of 6 000 sustainable jobs in North West, Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces focusing on supporting micro and small enterprises to develop and grow. We did this through the creation of self-help groups that were the vehicles to enterprise and job creation.
The project objectives were to
- Train 6000 beneficiaries in the enterprise development programme (EDP) which had two levels, establish your business and grow your business. It was through this facilitation and development that jobs were created.
- Facilitated the development of 1500 enterprises in 4 provinces one district each. The outcome was to have each enterprise having at least 4 people gainfully employed/working in them leading to the 6000 jobs.
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